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Aug 5

Pests are drawn to sheds. With less traffic than houses, vermin can make a home in the nooks and crevices of sheds, especially when items are stored for an extended period of time. Unfortunately, vermin can harm your shed and its contents. An infestation can cause significant problems by chewing, staining, or burrowing through the structure. However, there are ways to keep vermin out of your shed in the first place.


Because of the dark, often humid conditions sheds appeal to bugs and vermin. Creepy crawlies of all kinds may make themselves at home in your shed, attracting vermin and larger pests in search of food. Due to wear and tear over time allowing access through cracks and holes, as well as a potential collection of junk or rubbish, older sheds, in particular, can be vermin hotspots.


If your shed is particularly dilapidated and old, it may be time to replace it. However, installing a new vermin-proof shed will most likely be more affordable and sustainable in the long run than attempting to patch and seal the old one.

Likely, your shed is frequently left without human interaction for extended periods, which can encourage pests to move in. Vermin seek shelter, especially in cool or hot weather, and a shed free of regular activity is an ideal location. Your shed has plenty of nooks, crannies, and sneaky hiding places for rodents to seek shelter and set up camp. Furthermore, there are probably plenty of items and materials in your shed that mice, rats, and other vermin can use as bedding or to nest.

A plentiful food supply, such as a chicken coop with regular deposits of chicken food, attracts vermin. Vermin may establish a camp nearby to be close to a plentiful supply of food. Rodents may see pet food, such as dog food, horse feed, or bird seed, stored in your shed as an invitation if it is not stored correctly and sealed. For example, a mouse or rat can easily chew through a bag of bird seeds.


While vermin can thrive in various environments, they are less likely to be found in areas of high activity. They prefer secluded areas that are free of regular traffic. Regular visits to your shed may deter some pests. Rodents also avoid areas where a predator, such as a resident cat or dog, lives.


This may encourage pests to take up residence in your shed, which they can access through tiny holes and cracks but not your pet cat. 


Rodents can enter through minor holes or crevices, but you can help prevent an infestation by securing your shed each time you access it by closing the sliding door or roller doors completely.


Rodents are a nuisance for reasons other than their odor and the annoyance of their droppings, though even these can be harmful to the contents of your shed, causing irreversible staining and damage. An unchecked infestation can cause structural damage to your shed due to its chewing and burrowing through structures. Mice and rats will use almost anything to build their nests, which means they will chew and pull apart wood, cloth, paper, and other materials commonly found in the shed.

Rodents can easily chew through the plastic coatings on wires, so a vermin-proof shed will also protect your shed's electrical appliances, tools, and another electrical wiring. Pests can damage or stain items in your shed, such as stored furniture. Because vermin reproduce so quickly, what begins as a minor problem can soon become a massive infestation.



Making sure your new shed is built with suitable materials is an excellent first step in keeping vermin out. Use roof and wall sheeting that fits together well and does not crack or warp, which would otherwise allow vermin to get in; this is your first line of defense against pests. Better Built USA eliminates this problem by using high-quality materials such as colorbond sheets and designing all sheds so that all materials are provided at the correct size and fit together snugly.


At Better Built USA, we also understand that vermin proofing your shed is not a one-time job. Your new shed should be designed with an easily accessible space underneath so that you can inspect the area and make repairs as needed. This is important because even the tiniest of holes can allow pests to enter your shed.
